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In a quick 30 second video,
tell us why you would be a good
fit for our ever-growing barista team!
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Jitterz Espresso Barista Application
First name
Last name
Can you work full-time?
Can you work 12-7pm shifts?
Which location(s) are you interested in working at?
Are you available to work weekends?
How many hours are you wanting to work each week?
Are you a hard-worker?
Do you have transportation?
Are you currently employed? If so, please list where and if you plan to continue working there if you are hired at Jitterz.
Why do you want to work at Jitterz?
Please list previous jobs you have had.
How would you describe yourself in a few short sentences?
In 3 words, how would your friends/peers describe you?
What are 5 skills you have that would make you a good fit for our team?
In previous jobs, how often did you find yourself calling out of work due to illness, appointments, car troubles, ect.?
Please upload a short 30 second video explaining why you would be a good fit for our team.
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Thank you! We’ll be in touch.
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